“Gee, what the hell are they doing in there? They are always in there together for hours,” I said to myself, as I walked over to her bedroom door.
As I got close, I heard something hitting the wall. Not like banging, just tapping you could say. I heard some panting going on, as if someone in there was out of breath from doing something strenuous.
“Oh, I love you, sis,” I heard Tim say.
“I love you too. Now shut up, keep it down, and make love to me. We don’t need Tonya hearing us. She’ll blab to dad that we’re having sex,” I heard Tonya say.
“What the fuck?” I asked myself several times as I continued to listen.
I heard some more heavy breathing, tapping, and some kissing. I was gonna take a peak in there to confirm my suspicions, but then I thought of something. What if it was bullshit? As in they knew I was listening, and they were just putting on a show? I just didn’t think they’d do something like that. I mean our relationship wasn’t that bad, and we weren’t close enough for that to be funny either. So, I just had to debate for a few minutes, whether to go in or not, but then I started hearing some loud moaning.
“Come on big brother, cum on your sister’s titties. You know you want to,” Jeanette said.
I was extremely horny I suppose, so I quickly, but quietly cracked the door open. I looked in there, and sure enough, I saw them both naked. Tim was on his knees, and right over Jeanette. He began spraying Jeanette’s titties, as she called them, with cum. My thong was soaked, and it had never gotten so wet, so quickly before. I quietly closed the door, but I accidentally bumped into a night stand in the hallway, and made a noise.
“Oh, shit,” Jeanette said.
I didn’t hear what else was said, but I was pretty sure they didn’t know I saw them. I went into the living room, and just tried to relax. I also tried to not look so damn anxious, but unfortunately, that was no easy task. They both came in at the same time, and oddly enough, they sat together. They were a little sweaty, but I wasn’t about to bust them. As usual, our communication was limited. We had some small talk, but that was it. The whole time I was just imagining Tim shooting his load on Jeanette’s tits. Obviously, their dad wouldn’t like them being together, and they were sure I’d blab it to him for some reason. So, as the weeks went on, they continued having sex with each other, as siblings. Oddly enough, it was something I was into. Maybe because my sex life with James was way down, or maybe I was just a little sick. Whatever the reason, I watched them every chance I got.
I saw them do just about everything, I saw Tonya suck Tim’s cock in just about every position imaginable. As Tim held her upside down, and a bunch of others. Obviously, this had been happening for quite awhile, how else could they both be so into it? After awhile, I wondered if they really were into it, how could they really think I’d just run to their dad to spill the beans? Well, I had no idea, but I had also wondered something else. Were they in love, or was it just hot sex. That wasn’t clear at all. After about two months of watching them, it still just kept getting hotter. I couldn’t help it, they were like ecstasy to me. I liked it so much, I actually started fantasizing about me joining in with them.
“Hell, that would be so damn hot. I could show Tim, how to really eat his sister’s pussy, and make her purr all night long,” I said to myself as I watched Tim eat Jeanette out.
I kind of became obsessed with them. As in they weren’t having enough sex for me to satisfy my cravings to watch them. I still watched them every chance I got. It was hot, and even if you put it in the Arctic ocean, it would still be steaming. It had been getting harder and harder to keep my emotions down around them and their father. It was like their was a huge elephant, that only I could see. We were having dinner together, and I tried my best not to make eye contact with them, for as long as I could.
“So, what’s everyone been up to lately?” James asked.
“Well, your kids have been fucking each other, and I like to watch them. They also have no idea I know about them,” I thought to myself.
“Jeanette and I have been just hanging out mostly, watching movies, and chilling,” Tim said.
I just went with it, and made some more small talk once again, but of course I couldn’t hide it forever. I ate dinner, and did the dishes. I hated doing the dishes, but I still found myself really anxious to get away from them. I went in there, and the men watched a football game. A minute later, Jeanette came in the kitchen to help, as I was washing the dishes.
“You look like you could use a hand,” Jeanette said as she got next to me.
“Thanks,” I replied.
It was silent for a minute, and very awkward, for me anyway.
“Tonya, can I talk to you, woman to woman?” Jeanette asked.
I had no idea what she wanted to talk about, but if I said no, that might have set off some red flags.
“Sure, what’s on your mind?” I asked.
“I’ve just been wondering, why didn’t you ever have kids?” Jeanette asked.
“Well, I’m only 29. There is definitely still time,” I replied.
“Oh, I know. I didn’t mean to offend you. Well I’m 18 now, and…” Jeanette said.
“Are you thinking about having kids already?” I whispered.
She got close to me, and whispered.
“Well, I don’t know. I’m just dating someone now, and it’s like getting to that point. It’s been fun. but how long will it be, before we…” Jeanette said.
“Get serious?” I asked.
“Yes, but I also don’t wanna put any pressure on the relationship. I can so see having kids with this person though,” Jeanette replied.
Then I thought I’d take a chance, to put something in between them, and the knowledge I had.
“When you say it like that, is it a woman? You wanna adopt?” I asked.
She seemed little turned off by that.
“No, it’s a guy. You know what, never mind. I don’t wanna bother you with this,” Jeanette said.
I felt I struck a nerve, but I still wanted to bond with her if I could.
“No, bother the hell out of me,” I replied.
“Well, I think this guy just wants sex. He says he loves me, but now I’m just starting to wonder, that’s all,” Jeanette said.
I nodded, as if I was gonna give her some general advice, but I let something slip.
“Well, it sounds like to should talk to Tim,” I said.
She just had this beyond stunned look on her face.
“Shit,” I said.
She didn’t even try to deny it, obviously it was at least semi-serious to her.
“How did you know about us?” Jeanette asked.
I had some explaining to do then, but it wasn’t the time or place.
“How about tomorrow, the two of us go out to lunch? We can talk then,” I said.
“OK,” Jeanette replied.
So it was tabled for the time being, and it was just really awkward between Jeanette and I, for the rest of the night. The next day, we both went out to lunch, and I knew it was gonna be an intense meal. When we got our food, we sat down, and she wasted no time letting something out.
“Just, please, please, please, do not tell our dad. He will kick us out, and it will just be horrible, for everyone,” Jeanette said.
“Honestly, I’m offended that you think I just blab everything to your dad. I wouldn’t tell him about this, you should know that. You know I love you both,” I replied.
“We love you too, but still, don’t tell him,” Jeanette said.
We knew we loved each other to some extent, but we rarely told each other that.
“I won’t, but I think you should. Especially if you are thinking about having kids with him,” I replied.
She sighed, I guess she knew I was right.
“How did you find out about us anyway?” Jeanette asked.
“I just wanted the three of us to bond one night when your dad was working, and I just found you two fucking,” I replied.
She just had an embarrassed look on her face, so I thought I’d say something to make her feel better.
“I approve of incest, as long as it’s consensual. From what I’ve seen, it’s very consensual,” I said.
“You’ve seen us?” Jeanette asked.
I wasn’t about to tell her that I’ve practically bought lifetime tickets for every show, but I let her know that I had seen them quite a few times. I also told her that I really liked what I saw. She said that she’d consider everything I told her. Later that night, their dad had a work emergency to go take care of. He said he’d be there at least until after midnight. So, at around 8:00 or so, I went my room, to relax until I was really for bed. At around 9:00, someone knocked on the bedroom door. I came to the door, and opened it. There was Tim and Jeanette, holding hands in their normal clothes still.
“Are you here to tell that you are an incestuous couple?” I asked.
They both grinned, and kissed each other.
“Can we come in?” Tim asked.
“Sure,” I replied.
I was just in my nightgown, with nothing on underneath. I laid down on the bed, and they sat on the edge. Obviously, there was something they needed to get out.
“What’s going on with you two?” I asked.
“Well, thank you once again for not telling our dad, we appreciate it. Jeanette also told me something rather interesting,” Tim replied.
I raised my eyebrow, it was unclear what he was getting at exactly.
“What are you referring to?” I asked.
“That you liked watching us having sex, is that true?” Tim asked.
I just blushed, and my pussy got wet right then. He had his answer, so he came over to me to hug me.
“We thought you’d like the sight of us, up close and personal. We hope you really know after this, we definitely consider you family,” Tim said.
Jeanette came over to me to give me a hug too.
“Really close family, Tonya,” Jeanette said.
I just nodded very slowly, and I laid back down on the bed. They both stood up, and got close to each other. They began making out, and I had an orgasm right away. I let out a moan, but it was fast. After a couple minutes of kissing each other, Jeanette got down onto her knees. I knew exactly what she about to do, and I couldn’t wait. She undid his shorts, and pulled his hard cock out. I had seen her blow him a number of times before, but seeing it from only a few feet away, that was gonna be good. She took his cock into her mouth, and they were in their own personal paradise once again.
“Come on sis, we have someone watching now, let’s give her a show,” Tim said.
He put his hands onto her head, and then she began to deep throat him. She did that very easily, so obviously she must have practiced many times before. A minute later, she began leaning her head back and fourth, letting her soft lips rub against his cock in the process. I had sucked on a few cocks before, but I never sucked on one that slowly. They seemed to have a very real sexual and loving connection to each other. She looked up towards him, and both of my hands went down between my pussy lips.
“Now our step mom is getting into it, sis,” Tim said.
Jeanette looked over at me, with his cock still in her mouth. I could just barely tell that she threw me a smile. Then she took it out.
“Come on, Tonya, get naked. Let’s us see those sexy tits,” Jeanette said.
“You really want me to?” I asked.
“Yes, we’re all family here,” Tim replied.
So, I just took off my nightgown, and I was naked. They had never seen me naked before, so they were both a little stunned by my naked beauty.
“Holy shit, you are a looker, Tonya,” Jeanette said.
That came from Jeanette, I’d expect that from Tim, but from Jeanette? I was more than flattered. Then Jeanette grabbed onto the head of Tim’s cock, and began licking his cock, from the base to the head. My mouth was wide open, and I was drooling. The sight of a brother and sister having sex, was just life changing. I felt like I was on a high, and I actually wasn’t seeing Jeanette blowing her brother. Tim leaned down, and up his hands onto her butt. He gently caressed it through her shorts. I took a look at Tim’s face, and his mouth was open wider than mine. Obviously, having his sister sucking on his cock, was completely off his charts.
“Oh, I fucking love you so much, sis. You are one major hottie,” Tim said.
Jeanette took a small break, and slowly stood up. She wrapped her arms around him, and kissed for about ten seconds.
“So, you don’t love me just because I’m your sister? It’s because I’m a hottie? Tonya, can you believe this shit?” Jeanette asked.
I was overwhelmed by what I was seeing, so I couldn’t even just put out one single word with my mouth. They both looked at me, and noticed that my pussy was wetter than an ocean, as she was stroking his cock.
“Tonya, you are the second sexiest woman on the planet,” Tim said.
I still couldn’t get any words out, and then Tim asked me something.
“Can we borrow the bed, please?” Tim asked.
I moved over a little bit, as they completely undressed. Jeanette got on the bed first, and Tim got right on top of her. They made out for a couple minutes first, and then they actually began making love. He slowly inserted his cock into her pussy, and that was a sight to see. I got really close to them, and laid down on my side. My boobs were just barely touching them, and they liked that. I saw Tim checking them out up close, and of course Jeanette noticed.
“Hey, I don’t mind you looking, but now you are eyeballing them,” Jeanette said.
“You know I love you, sis,” Tim replied as he turned to her.
They kissed once, and then he began thrusting his cock, as he put his arms underneath her. She put her arms on his back, and they made love as lovers. It seemed like they had done it a million times before. I didn’t think they ever knowingly had an audience before, but it didn’t seem to bother them that I was right next to them. I had my fingers from my right hand, right in between my pussy lips. I masturbated every now and then, but this select time, they pretty much did it for me. I had a big orgasm in about a minute.
“Gee, bro. I never pictured her being a squirter,” Jeanette said.
“Well, it maybe the incest factor. I think she really gets off on that,” Tim replied.
As I tried to calm down a little bit, they both just starred at me.
“What?” I asked slowly.
“Can you give us a little more room?” Tim asked.
I moved over a little bit, and they rolled over, so Jeanette was on top of him. She leaned up, and I got to see Jeanette completely naked really closely.
“Do you like what you see, Tonya?” Jeanette asked.
I just nodded, and then Jeanette leaned over to me.
“Tonya, can I kiss you?” Jeanette asked.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/my-two-step-kids-chapter-i