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I wake up with a jolt when I hear the front door slam closed. Surprised at myself for falling asleep on the couch with the reports I was supposed to be reading sitting on my chest, I open my eyes the tiniest bit and see you tip-toeing into the lounge; it must be around four if you’ve just come home from school. You look down at me for a second and I let my eyes close, continuing to feign sleep. There’s a a quiet shuffle of footfalls as you go to the kitchen; the opening rattle and muffled ‘thunk!’ of the fridge door as you grab yourself a drink before coming back into the lounge. I chance opening my eyes again and see you standing with your back to me, bending over as you put down your school bag, opening a magazine or something in front of you. I try my hardest not to let a long sigh as I take in the sight of my beautiful daughter; the vision of your perfectly formed figure under that private school uniform makes the thousands of dollars I spend every month are more than worth it.
The v-neck sleeveless jersey hugs your form, the white tails of the fitted shirt poke out just underneath. As my gaze wanders down over your hips I take a minute to wonder if you’re rolling up that pleated plaid skirt – the way you’re bent at the waist shows off a tantalizing amount of your slender thighs, your slender calves covered by dark knee-high socks. I know I shouldn’t… I wish I could I would stare at you forever, but I can feel my arousal getting to me already, feeling myself getting harder staring at my little girl’s long, slender legs. Suddenly there’s a sharp hiss and I squeeze my eyes shut, willing my cock to stop in its tracks, trying to rid my imagination from the image of you. I know that you’re 18, but that still doesn’t make it right.
What seems like a year passes with no sound at all and me not daring to open my eyes again before I hear the shuffle of your feet and then your light footsteps as you run up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Finally I open my eyes, sitting up, then standing as quietly as I can, trying to minimize the rustle of my papers as I put them down on the coffee table. I think about the small hiss I heard; it sounded like the hiss of a soda bottle being opened, but I was pretty sure we only had juice in the fridge. I padded my way into the kitchen, not entirely sure why I was trying to keep the noise down, and took a look in the fridge: grape juice, cranberry, orange juice… and one of my beers is missing. Right. My beautiful, innocent little baby girl is stealing her daddy’s beer? I let the fridge door close silently, thinking about what else you might be trying to get away with right under my nose.
I climb the stairs quietly, crossing the hallway to your room. You bedroom door, adorned with Hello Kitty stickers and about a hundred glittery stars scattered randomly all over it, is open just a crack. I put my hand on the lever, my jaw set, ready to burst in and catch you red-handed… then I hear your voice, giggly and high-pitched as you talk on the phone. My fingers still wrapped around the handle, I lean into the door jam, gazing through the opening. You’re sitting up on the edge of the bed, one leg tucked under the other, that shortened skirt of yours high up on your thighs; a beer – my beer! – in one hand, the other resting on your knee, the phone cradled against your shoulder.
“No…wasn’t like that! No! I mean it was… it was passionate! … It was not sleazy!… Okay… okay! Do you want me to tell you? …Kristen! Do you want me to tell you what really happened and not Audrey’s fucked-up porno fantasy?”
I raised one eyebrow both at your language and whatever it is you’re talking about. Sleazy? Porno fantasy? What exactly were you getting up to?
“So I was coming out of English class and crossing the quad behind the art rooms… to meet you and Megan… I know I didn’t meet you! I’m trying to tell you why! Okay… so I was coming up behind the art rooms when Adam grabs my arm and kinda… well, he pushed me against the wall… uh huh… and his eyes looked so intense and… I know!.. and then he leaned in, real slow, looking at me the whole time, and suddenly we’re kissing, looking straight at each other, and then he’s like… his whole body is pushing against mine and his hand was kinda… on my leg and I could feel his fingers under my skirt, on my hips but it’s almost like I couldn’t feel that… why? Because! That’s why!”
You seem to have gone suddenly shy with your friend, but alone in your room you could obviously remember exactly why; the hand on your knee was now idly stroking the inside of your thigh, circling a little higher this time.
“Ohmygod, Kristen, do I have to spell it out? Because I could feel him, y’know?… I could feel his… oh god! I-I could feel his penis pressing into my hip…. no! No, I did not! Kristen! I’ve never even seen one… y’know… How did it feel?”
Your eyelids flutter and your hand drops beneath the hem of your skirt, and it’s a moment before you answer your friend.
“Oh. My. God. It just felt… it felt amazing. I know we were at school, but god I wanted to touch it so badly…”
You take a swig of beer, and my mind is made up. This – whatever this is – has to stop. And someone has to teach my little girl a lesson. I tighten my fingers on the handle of your door, swinging it open and striding into the room.
“Faye! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
The phone dropped from your shoulder, bouncing to the floor and disconnecting Kristen. You look at me, your eyes wide, one hand still clutching the half-empty beer, the other buried between your thighs.
I cross the room in two strides, grabbing the beer from your hand. “What is this?” I ask, my face set in a look of stern reproach. You only look up at me, your eyes wide, completely frozen, one hand still open as if grasping the bottle, the other underneath the hem of your short plaid skirt.
“Faye, I’m only going to ask you one more time… what is this?”
Your eyes dart between my gaze and the half-finished beer in my hand. “It’s… it’s a beer, Daddy,” you stammer, seeming to regain your composure a little at a time. I see your arm attached to the hand between your legs twitch as you realize what you look like. I don’t want to give you the chance. “Don’t! Move!” I yell and your whole body jumps, frozen again as you stare up into my eyes.
“Now… your answer wasn’t quite right, young lady. Who’s beer is this?”
Your lips tremble just a little before you say in a barely audible voice, “Y-yours. daddy.”
I turn the bottle around in my hand. “That’s not quite right either, is it? Since you’ve already finished half of it off in five minutes,” I sigh, holding it out to you. “I guess it’s mostly yours now.”
Your mouth drops open, yours eyes at first wide and unbelieving, then narrowing and suspicious. Slowly you take the bottle from my hand.
I put my hands on your shoulders. “I don’t even know if I can trust you anymore, Faye… I mean, it sounds like you’re a little slut.”
You gasp as I say that. “B-but I-I’m not! I’m not! I’ve never done anything like that before, Daddy! How can I be a slut if I’ve never… never done it before?”
I narrow my eyes. “How am I supposed to believe you, Faye?” I ask, kneeling in front of you, my hands on your thighs, just below the hem of your skirt. “The next thing you’re going to tell me is that you’re still a virgin,” I say, gently squeezing your thighs.
You drop your head, your dark hair falling in front of your face. “I… I am, though,” you whisper, your chest rising and falling dramatically as your breathing gets heavier, your cheeks blushing furiously. I push my hands further up your thighs, my fingertips slipping beneath the pleated fabric of your skirt. Your eyes focus on my hands, but you don’t pull away.
I look into your eyes. “Faye, look at me.” As you look up, I circle my hands inward, my fingertips brushing against your soft cotton panties. You gasp, your whole body jerking, but your hands stay by your sides, grasping at the sheets.
“Am I to believe that you really are a virgin, that you’ve never had sex before? Not even with this asshole Adam?”
You blush at the mention of the boy’s name, but you nod slowly, biting your lip.
“I promise, Daddy,” you whisper in a little-girl voice. I keep your gaze, my fingers slowly rubbing at the damp fabric of your panties. I believed every word you were saying, but at the same time I couldn’t believe how wet you were getting at such little attention from my fingers.
You stare back at me, your eyes wide, your mouth agape. “I can prove it to you, Daddy… but if I were to end up with Adam, I would need a few pointers… could you, well, help me with that?” you ask, clearly nervous.
I lightly stroke your fleshy little labia with the tips of my fingers through the fabric of your panties and you let out an involuntary whimper. I smile softly. “Whatever you want, baby.”
“Daddy… I…” you begin, but I interrupt. “You don’t have to be nervous – I can show you what you need or want to know.”
You blink twice, hard. Then you push yourself back on the bed, closing your legs and arching your hips up. Reaching underneath your skirt, you wiggle your hips in a cute little shuffle as you pull your panties down over your slender legs. Dropping them to one side, you close your eyes. Taking a deep breath, your hands settled on either side and grasping the sheets, you slowly spread your legs wide apart, slipping your ass to the edge of the bed. Them hem of your skirt pushes up almost to your waist, exposing your beautiful and, to my surprise, completely naked shaved pussy.
“Oh, baby girl…” I breathe out, unable to tear my eyes form the most perfect sight I’ve ever seen. I slowly slide my hands up your slender thighs again, your soft, full lips parted as you watch my hands, completely transfixed. I barely brush my fingertips against your naked pussy lips, gently spreading them apart with my thumbs to expose your soft, moist, pink lips. You whimper as I graze my thumb over your delicate flesh, your body tensing with each gentle touch. I slip one finger between your pussy lips, slowly, feeling you becoming more and more wet, your tiny clit exposed as your legs twitch, the tendons of your inner thighs flexing.
“Now,” I say, grazing my middle finger between your lips to get it wet. “Don’t push, baby girl. Just relax.” Your eyes aren’t on me; they’re fixed between your legs, watching my hands intently.
“Okay, Daddy,” you whisper, your body trembling slightly. Slowly, trying not to tremble with sheer excitement myself, I ease my finger inside your tight little pussy. You groan softly, your head falling back, mouth gaping open.
“Oooohhhhhh!” you moan as I push one long finger deep into your naked pussy. You feel so tight and hot, getting wetter and wetter as I fuck my finger into you, finally adding another, barely able to push two fingers between your slick pussy lips. Finally my searching fingers felt the soft barrier of your hymen and I sighed. In return, you sighed back and reluctantly gave me permission with your eyes to continue.
“Oh, Faye,” I whisper softly, my warm breath on your pussy lips. You only manage to groan, your head thrown back, you chest rising and falling rapidly, your tight young snatch tightening around my fingers, relaxing, tightening again. “Mm!” you moan, barely aware of what’s happening to you. I slowly begin sliding my fingers in and out of your snug, sweet little pussy, feeling you getting more and more slick and wet with each stroke, curling my fingers inside you, massaging the sensitive little bundle of nerves of your g-spot.
“Oh! Oh God! DADDY!” you practically scream, your whole body suddenly convulsing. “Unnnnhhh!” Pushing you hips up, lifting your ass off the edge of the bed, pushing your pussy against my hand hard. My thumb grazes your clit, massaging it with a circular, rhythmic motion, rolling the ball of my digit over your tiny bud.
“Unnnh… Daddy… oh god… Daddy!” You gasp, bucking your hips with each and every slow rotation of my thumb, digging your fingers into the mattress of your bed. I groan as I feel your pussy grasping at my fingers, driving them harder and deeper into your little pussy. Your wetness increasing exponentially, my knuckles smacking wetly against your snatch, your juices dripping down to your cheeks. I finger-fuck you faster and harder, increasing the rolling motions of my thumb on your swollen clit. “Cum, baby girl… cum all over your daddy’s hand.”
“Unh! Unh…! Ooohhh… my… gooddd…. Daddy!” Your whole body is trembling, your face and neck flushed deeply, your beautiful eyes wide, staring directly into mine.
“Ohmygod… ohmygod… please Daddy… please… unnnNNNHNHN!” you cry out, squeezing your eyes shut, your mouth agape, heaving, bucking, rolling your hips up and down, fucking my hand. Just watching my little girl cumming like this was almost enough to make me completely lose it myself. Watching you, staring at your perfect little pussy as I bury my long fingers deep inside, I can’t help myself but to feel my mouth water.
I lick my fingers, looking up at you. “Do you want to let me try licking your pussy?” You nod quickly, looking at me nervously, your chest rising and falling with each of your breaths.
I pull my fingers back, lowering my head between your thighs, sucking on your slick pink lips, massaging your little clit with my tongue… sucking, licking, lapping at your pussy as you cum against my lips.
“Oh, god! Oh-h-h, Daddy! Mmmhmmmmm!”
Your whole body spasms, your legs kicking out as you lift them off the ground. You grasp my head with your hands, keeping me in place as wave after wave of your orgasm washes over your body. I lap hungrily at your naked little pussy, swirling my tongue against your lips, pushing my tongue between them, desperate to taste my little girls cum until finally you flop back against the bed, every limb gone limp, panting hard, your hands still in my hair.
I pull back, standing over you as you lay back on the bed. Your eyes are closed, a satisfied smile on your face. I take your hand, pulling you up. Your eyes are still closed as if you’re still imagining, savoring what had just happened.
“Baby girl?” I ask softly. You open your eyes, almost immediately becoming the size of saucers as you stare at my thick cock directly in front of you, just centimeters from your face.
You look up at me questioningly. “Oh! I-I don’t know how to do this, though…”
I stroke your hair with one of my hands. “It’s okay, I’ll show you everything you’ll need to know.” Your eyes never leave mine as you wrap your lips around my meat – I sigh at the heat and moist softness of your beautiful little mouth.
“You’re doing fine, baby.” I urge you on, pushing in a little more, almost half the length of my shaft disappearing between your lips. I feel you gag, your face contorting as you move back to catch your breath. After a few moments, I feel you envelope my cock down your throat, and I have to stop myself from thrusting hard into your mouth.
You entwine my fingers in your hair, pulling your head forward, guiding me to fuck your little mouth harder.
“Oh my god… Faye, you’re so good at that… oh, baby girl, keep sucking… don’t stop, baby girl, don’t stop…”
Your eyes flash up to mine worriedly, your hands on my thighs, but you don’t push away. Obediently you keep sucking, massaging my thrusting cock with your lips and tongue, gagging softly, whimpering as my cock pushes into your throat. I watch my cock sliding back and forth into your mouth, increasing the pace, unable to believe how fucking sexy you look. I watch your face, adoring your hot mouth and cute, little-girl looks as I thrust between your lips, completely lost in pure ecstasy as you work your mouth and tongue around my shaft, making faint little moans.
I look down and, as I push forward hard once more, I can see the bulge of my cock in your throat, completely filling you as my balls press against your bottom lip.
“Oh, Faye…. I’m…. I’m gonna… cummmm-nnnhh!” The sight is more than I could possibly ever bear; I gasp deeply as I feel my orgasm hit me like a shock, the sight of my beautiful little girl gagging with every last inch of my cock buried in your throat is the trigger for the biggest, most powerful orgasm of my life. I growl, pushing myself up on my tiptoes involuntarily as my release racks my entire body, “Uunnnnnhhhhh!”
You look up at me, your eyes wide and fearful, shaking your head as you realise what’s happening. Your hands grasp at my thighs as you feel my cock expand, throbbing in your throat. Your eyes water and I pull back just a little, almost unable to take the sensation of your throat massaging my shaft as cum rushes through my shaft, pouring directly into your throat.
“Unh… unnhh… mmmmhmmmmffffuck!” I buckle over as thick wads of cum explode from the head of my cock, quickly filling your mouth. Finally you push back, gasping, coughing, cum pouring from your mouth, my cock slipping your lips. Instinctively I wrap my hand around my shaft, stroking my cock as my orgasm washes over me.
“Oh, shit, Faye…” I can only look at you as rope after rope of thick, sticky cum splashes across your cheeks, in your dark hair, across your lips and splattered across your blouse. You stare up at me, wide-eyed as huge wads of cum splash down onto your skirt and naked
thighs, thick droplets landing dangerously close to your naked pussy as my orgasm subsides, my whole body still shaking.
Almost a full minute goes by, both of us panting, before you finally speak. “Daddy, I…. oh, fuck… Daddy?” You look up at me questioningly, spreading your hands, almost every inch of your face, your hair and your body completely bathed in cum. I only look at you, but you seem mesmerized by what’s just happened. You raise your fingers to your lips, sensually licking the tips covered in spunk. You make a soft mewling sound, then look up at me again.
“I’m sorry daddy. I won’t be a bad girl again. Unless you want me to be.”
I growl softly, unable to take my eyes off you and thinking about what I can do to my bad little girl.